On Saturday September 14, 2024, Montpellier will benefit from a radiant day with a big sun and pleasant temperatures oscillating between 18°C ​​in the morning and 22°C in the afternoon. No risk of precipitation is expected. To learn more about the details of this beautiful day, read the full forecast below.

General weather conditions

For this Saturday, September 14, 2024, the weather conditions in Montpellier and its surroundings look set to be particularly mild. A bright sun will shine over the city, offering a pleasant day without clouds on the horizon. These clear skies will be accompanied by equally pleasant temperatures, ideal for enjoying outdoor activities.

Forecast temperatures

In the morning, temperatures will be slightly cool with an average of 18°C. Over the course of the day, the thermometer will rise to reach approximately 22°C in the afternoon. These climatic conditions are typical for the month of September in Montpellier, where maximums can go up to 24°C.

Compared to previous days, such as those of Wednesday September 11, 2024, we notice a slight drop in temperatures, but this remains within the seasonal average, allowing you to fully enjoy the last days of summer.

Precipitation and humidity

No precipitation is expected for this day of September 14, which means that there will be no showers or rain to disrupt your plans. The humidity level will be maintained at a comfortable rate, not making the atmosphere heavy or stuffy.

This absence of precipitation is distinct from the meteorological surprises that we were able to observe August 14, 2024 for example, where abrupt changes had been noted.

Wind and other atmospheric phenomena

The wind will blow lightly, with a moderate breeze coming from the northwest. The average speed will be approximately 10 km/h in the morning, providing a welcome feeling of freshness during the first hours of the day. No other special atmospheric phenomena, such as fog or storms, are expected.

Tips and recommendations

With such pleasant weather, it would be wise to plan some outdoor activities. A stroll by the sea or a visit to local parks could be particularly pleasant. Remember to wear sun protection to protect yourself from UV rays.

Trends for the coming days

The forecast for the following days indicates a slight drop in temperatures, with maximums possibly dropping to 23.5°C. It would therefore be prudent to bring slightly warmer clothing for the evenings, without worrying about a drastic drop in temperatures.

For more specific, day-by-day forecasts, you can view forecast details for earlier dates in our other articles, such as September 3, 2024. Or for some weather surprises we may have observed, take a look at those in August 12, 2024.